Create A Joomla Hidden Page

There are many reasons why you’ll want to make a hidden page in Joomla but unfortunately within the Joomla administration there are no simple means of figuring it out. Learn why you might create a hidden page in Joomla and the way to easily create links to those pages.

The main reason you may wish to create a hidden web page in Joomla is for subscriber thank you webpages that work alongside your mailing list supplier software. Another reason may be that you will be holding a particular event just for your clients or are providing extra discounts for your joint venture companions and want to make a hidden web page that your normal guests cannot find. Having a hidden page, if you don’t link to it from some other source aside from in an email, means that the various search engines won’t pick up the hidden page either. No matter what the nice reason, creating a concealed page in Joomla is very simple to set up.

The first thing you need to do when creating your hidden page is to create a new article in your Joomla Article Manager. Put whatever information you want those who land on your page to see as soon as you are completed, save it. Once you’ve saved it and your screen should now be displaying a summary of all the articles you have written.

Find your recently written article and check the article id number that will appear on the considerably right hand side column under the column heading ID. Have a notice of the quantity. Next you need to visit your menu manager and create a new menu called “hidden”. It really is easier to arrange it like this to be able to keep an eye on all your hidden pages. You have set up your hidden menu Once, you need to link to the article you have just written to a new menu item within this recently created concealed menu.

After attaching this article to a menu item, take down the id number of the menu item as you shall need this later. It’ll appear on the far right hand column under the column heading ItemID. Replace the xx of the article&id with the id number of the article you have written (ID) and replace the by of the Itemid with the menu id number (ItemID). It is always smart to test that it spent some time working by placing the completed code into your browser.

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